GPS Tracking Admin manual

Documentation version 5.7


  • Product : GPS Software
  • Company : GPS Gateway
  • Item Version : v 5.7
  • Type : Web/Android/IOS
  • User Demo Credentials
  • username : demo
  • Password : demo
pc gps software, gps tracking software india, gps tracking software development

First of all, Thank you so much for using this GPS Software and to be a part of our valuable Customer. You are awesome!
You are entitled to get free lifetime updates to this product + exceptional support from the GPS Gateway.

This documentation is to help you everything about uses of GPS Software. Please go through the documentation carefully to understand how this application is work. the entire solution about GPS tracking and it's uses.

This solution having many advance features related to GPS Tracking Vehicle Monitoring.
we always welcome our customer feedback.

Add user #back to top

Add User

you can add user with our software multiple ways like with wab based or mobile application. it's up to your business stregty what would you like to choose.

Web user

please follow following steps

GPS Software Live Tracking

Step 2

GPS Software Live Tracking

Step 3

GPS Software Live Tracking

Add User using Mobile Application

you can add user by using mobile application. please follow given below steps.

GPS Software Live Tracking

Note : Referance ID is mendatory for adding vehicles for more details about Reference ID kindly follow this link.. Click Here

Add User with Admin Application

you can add user by using Admin login by mobile application

GPS Software Live Tracking

Add vehicle#back to top

How can Add Vehicle with GPS Software ?

Here we are explaining  about adding vehicles with this GPS Tracking software.

Add with Web Panel

Replay view Vehicle GPS Tracking Software

Device IP & Port #back to top

Note: We have a Centralized and dedicated IP  Address. IP is constant not changed.

Device Port

kindly follow given below link to find out server port according to Device Model..
Click Here to find port

Admin Panel

At the time to add vehicle software itself showing you Device port number.

Replay view Vehicle GPS Tracking Software

Vehicle Assign to user #back to top

How can i Assign one vehicle to multiple users ?

We design multilevel architecture as according to the use of a single vehicle in multiple accounts. please follow given below steps...

Step 1

gps tracking software white label india, gps tracking software white label

Next Step

gps tracking software white label india, gps tracking software white label

Check Vehicle Logs #back to top

How can i Check Vehicle Logs ?

our GPS Software itself providing feature to check vehicle logs.

Multiple Map enabled GPS Tracking Software

Assign Role to user #back to top

How can i Assign role to user ?

GPS Software you can customize as according to requirement can assign roles to user.

the best gps tracking software, list of gps tracking software

Assign Role using Mobile application

the best gps tracking software, list of gps tracking software

View Customer Details #back to top

How can i View Customer details ?

you can easily find customer details with few easy steps.

the best gps tracking software, list of gps tracking software

Mobile Application - View Customer Details

the best gps tracking software, list of gps tracking software

Find User's Vehicle List #back to top

How can i find user's Vehicles list ?

it's easy to find vehicles list with GPS Software.

the best gps tracking software, list of gps tracking software

Using Mobile application

the best gps tracking software, list of gps tracking software

Deactivate User #back to top

How can i deactivate User ?

Admin having rights to deactivate user any time with simple steps.

cost of gps tracking software in india, gps tracking software bangalore

using Mobile application

cost of gps tracking software in india, gps tracking software bangalore

Extend Vehicle Expiry#back to top

How can i Extend Vehicle Expiry ?

GPS Software allow user to extend vehicle Expiry date.

GPS Tracking Software in Multiple Languages

Edit Vehicle Details#back to top

How can i Edit Vehicle Details ?

with few easy steps you can edit vehicles.

GPS Tracking Software in Multiple Languages

Edit Vehicle using mobile application.

GPS Tracking Software in Multiple Languages

Delete Vehicle Details#back to top

How can i Delete Vehicle from GPS Software ?

with few easy steps you can Delete vehicles.

GPS Tracking Software in Multiple Languages

Delete Vehicle using mobile application.

GPS Tracking Software in Multiple Languages

Find Referance ID#back to top

Referance ID

Generally we use referance id to add vehicle using mobile application or identify users.

GPS Tracking Software Dashboard

Find Referance ID with Mobile application

GPS Tracking Software Dashboard

Edit User#back to top

How can i Edit user .?

in with few easy steps we can edit users.

gps tracking software for business

Edit user with mobile application.

gps tracking software for business

Delete User#back to top

How can i Delete user..?

with few steps you can delete user.

GPS Software with geofencing feature

Delete user with mobile application

GPS Software with geofencing feature

Date Wise Vehicle Expiry#back to top

How can i Check Vehicle Expiry Date wise?

with few easy steps you can check date wise vehicle expiry.

GPS Software with logs, gps tracking web based software

Check Vehicle expiry datewise.

GPS Software with logs, gps tracking web based software

Rest API#back to top

How can i use Rest API ?

kindly follow the link for Rest API Click Here